Wheelman game pc download
The incredible attention to detail and engaging story that made you feel so connected to GTA's Liberty City is entirely absent in Wheelman's Barcelona. Every street and every pedestrian none of which you can wantonly kill - for shame Mr Diesel look near identical, and there are only a handful of different cars available to drive.
Originally a Vin Diesel movie tie-in, Wheelman is understandably going for a more cinematic action experience than Rockstar's hit, and there are times when the game's over-the-top silver screen nonsense starts to become enjoyable. The laughable AI, however, is so beset with such inane levels of abject cretinism that the enjoyment you get from pulling off these moves is shortlived. It's possible, for example, to go on a quasi-killing spree remember you can't actually kill anyone you want , get as many police cars chasing you as possible and then just drive round and round in a fairly small circle, with the authorities seemingly incapable of doing anything to stop you.
When you get out of the car, things get a whole lot worse. Wheelman Repack Version 3 Gb. Your email address will not be published. Download Wheelman. Wheelman Screenshots Windows. We use cookies to ensure that you get the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
A few gaming genres are currently dominating the market. Besides the ever so popular music games, we also have racing and sandbox titles, which try to offer the player a great, adrenaline-filled experience in an open world. As Midway couldn't convince movie star Vin Diesel to take up singing, it settled with two of his hobbies, car racing, as seen in the Fast and Furious movie franchise, and adventure, as seen in titles such as Triple X or The Chronicles of Riddick.
This is how Wheelman was born, a game with a pretty troubled past, as it was developed by Midway in cooperation with Diesel's Tigon studio and was picked up and published by Ubisoft when Midway filed for bankruptcy. After some troubled conception and quite a few delays, the game has finally arrived on the PlayStation 3, Xbox and PC. We took the PC version for a spin and here is our full review of our adventures through the streets of Barcelona. After befriending a local thief who also works part time as a flamenco dancer, he makes contacts with all of the three criminal factions in Barcelona.
The Chulos Canallas street racers, the Los Lantos mafia and the Romanian arm dealers share bitter rivalries, and it is Vin Burik's job to get involved and gain information about an upcoming weapon transfer.
The game carries out the same Hollywood-inspired story into the actual missions as you are essentially playing out a big blockbuster made in Los Angeles. The story doesn't try to offer insight into the motivations of the criminals present, limiting itself to the fact sheets you unlock after meeting each of them. It doesn't try to be very deep because Wheelman is a game similar to a summer big budget movie, which offers you some interesting thrills but isn't a carefully laid out or well orchestrated masterpiece like The Dark Knight.
Diesel plays his part quite well, that of the stereotypical government agent who goes undercover with the criminal organizations.