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In a few patients who Specimens should be submitted develop oral erythema multiforme, a for light microscopic and herpetic infection occurs immunofluorescence studies. Other infectious nature of these diseases, referral to diseases have also been implicated. When eye include blood-crusted lips, lesions are present, an targetoid or bulls-eye skin ophthalmologist must be lesions, and a nonspecific mucosal consulted immediately to prevent erythema, ulceration, and necrosis.

A severe form of Diphenhydramine hydrochloride erythema multiforme is called liquid Rationale for treatment: Disp. Shake well before use. Rinse patient comfort, using topical with 12 teaspoons ml every anesthetics and coating agents.

Store suspension at room of oral erythema multiforme with temperature. Rinse with 1 teaspoon 5ml 4 Topical Anesthetics and times a day. Rinse for 1min and spit Coating Agents out excess. Rx In children younger than 6yr, Diphenhydramine hydrochloride oral who cannot expectorate, the amount solution Safety and Compound to a mixture by efficacy has not been established in volume children.

Rinse with 12 teaspoons Childrens Benadryl Allergy Liquid, ml every 2 to 4hr for 1min; others, diphenhydramine swish and spit out. Rinse with 1 teaspoon 5ml suspension. Examples of aluminum for 2min every 2 4hr and spit out hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide excess. For children of flavors. Children younger than yr, the maximum is mg in 6yr should not swallow this oral 24hr. Children younger than 6yr suspension. Rx should be idealized, and mechanical Sucrets dyclonine HCl throat irritation should be ruled out.

Slowly dissolve one lozenge in especially if the appliance is made mouth every 2hr as needed for pain. It may be either day. If therapy is Rx ineffective, consider underlying Zovirax, generic acyclovir tablets systemic conditions such as diabetes mg mellitus and poor nutrition. Take 1 tablet 2 times daily.

Take 1. Institute appropriate antifungal drug for up to 12 months and medication see Candidiasis ; re-evaluate. Improve oral and appliance Rx hygiene. The patient may have to Valtrex, generic valacyclovir leave the appliance out for tablets 1g extended periods of time and Disp.

Take 1 tablet a day. Take drug denture out overnight. The for up to 12 months and re-evaluate. Reline, rebase, or construct a new combinations of candidal infections, appliance; poor denture hygiene, an occlusal 4. Apply an artificial saliva or oral syndrome, overextension, or lubricant gel to the tissue contact excessive movement of the surface of the denture to reduce appliance. This condition may be frictional trauma. This condition may trial of topical steroid therapy can be represent a pressure neuropathy due used to rule out contact mucositis to advanced atrophy of the alveolar an allergic reaction to denture bone and trauma to the nerves materials.

If a therapeutic trial fails emanating from the mental foramen to resolve the condition, a biopsy and the incisive foramen. The should be performed to establish the retention and fit of the denture diagnosis. Rinse with 12 teaspoons Burning mouth syndrome is a ml for 2min before each common dysesthesia that has been meal and spit out.

Current considered psychogenic or literature supports a neurogenic idiopathic, a tricyclic antidepressant cause with psychological or benzodiazepine in low doses component. However, other exhibits the properties of analgesia conditions, such as xerostomia, and sedation and frequently is candidiasis, referred pain from the successful in reducing or eliminating tongue musculature, chronic the symptoms after several weeks or infections, gastrointestinal reflux months.

The dosage is adjusted disease, medications, blood according to patient reaction and dyscrasias, nutritional deficiencies, clinical symptoms. The following hormonal imbalances, and allergic systemic therapies for burning and inflammatory disorders, must mouth disorder are best managed also be considered. Take 1 tablet nightly, then adjust If an underlying local or systemic dose after 7 days. Either topical or the patients physician at this anesthetics or mood-altering drugs time.

Due to the sedative affects, are prescribed. Other patients and does not progress to a malignant experience more improvement condition. On the basis of the when they take 12 tablets 3 times history, physical evaluation, and a day. Minimal blood Disp. Take 1 tablet at bedtime for blood count and differential, fasting 1wk, then increase to 2 tablets glucose, iron, ferritin, folic acid, and every night for the next week.

Benadryl Childrens Allergy Rx diphenhydramine solution Chlordiazepoxide capsules 5mg Take 1 capsule 3 times a day, xerostomia, and secondary candidal then adjust after 1wk to 2 capsules infection. Clinical description: Rx The surface of the vermilion is Xanax, generic alprazolam tablets rough, scaly, and peeling and may 0.

In severe and chronic Sig. Take 1 tablet 3 times a day. These medications have for scarring and secondary infection. A protective lip Disp. Place one part Tabasco sauce in agent with or without antimicrobial 2 to 4 parts of water.

Rinse with 1 agents, aids in the healing of the teaspoon 5ml 4 times a day and lips, but recurrences are common. Apply to lips after each meal Sig. Apply sparingly to affected and at bedtime. Avoid flavored products because Wash hands after each they tend to promote increased application and do not use near the licking of the lips. Although eyes. An increase in drying of the lips. Some patients discomfort for a 2- to 3-wk period respond better to lanolin cream or should be anticipated.

Apply to lips after each meal desquamation of the vermilion and at bedtime. Use for no longer border that is often secondarily that 2wk. Repeatedly licking, Rx picking, and biting the lips are Triamcinolone acetonide ointment aggravating factors. Other causes 0. Apply to lips after each meal enlargements originate in the and at bedtime. Use for no longer interdental papillae.

Rationale for treatment: Rx Local factors, such as plaque and Betamethasone valerate ointment calculus accumulation, contribute to 0. This further Sig. Apply to lips after each meal interferes with plaque control. Use for no longer Specific drugs tend to deplete serum than 2wk. For maintenance, the gingivectomy or other gingival frequent application of lip care surgery when indicated; 3 when products that are hypoallergenic possible, replace the causative drug should be suggested.

Avoid products with an equivalent substitute; and with desiccants, such as phenols and 4 test for serum folate level and alcohols and those with flavoring supplement folic acid, if necessary.

In severe cases with swelling Use of folic acid rinse, topical of the lips, systemic antibiotics may antimicrobial mouth rinse, and be needed, along with topical agents. Rinse with 1 teaspoonful 5ml and cyclosporine therapy are known for 2min twice a day and to predispose some individuals to expectorate. Rx Chronic hyperplastic gingivitis, Peridex, PerioGard, generics gingival fibromatosis, and chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse granulomatous gingivitis should be 0.

Rinse with 15ml twice daily laboratory tests. Clinical description: Rinse after breakfast and before The gingival tissues, especially in bedtime. Especially in physiologic changes. Take 1 capsule with food or disease, viral infection, oral after meals once a day for 1 month.

Take 1 capsule a day with food radiation sequelae. In addition, or after meals for 1 month. Laboratory Disp. Take 1 capsule a day with food necessary to identify any existing or after meals for 1 month. Numerous Etiology: medications have dysgeusia as a Cancer chemotherapy and radiation reported side effect.

Antibiotics, to the head and neck cause direct antihypertensives, antifungals, and and indirect effects on the oral antiretrovirals are examples of tissues. Chemotherapy results in classes of drugs that have been direct cytotoxic effects that may implicated. Rarely, a deficiency of result in mucositis and ulceration of zinc has been associated with a loss the mucosa.

In addition, there are of taste and smell sensation. To indirect effects of myelosuppression prevent deficiency, the current resulting in anemia, recommended dietary allowance for thrombocytopenia, and leucopenia.

Additional zinc infection may develop including supplementation should be reserved fungal, viral, and bacterial for individuals with true deficiency infections. Besides odontogenic and states and in consultation with the periodontal infections, candidal and physician.

The Sig. Take 1 tablet daily with food or use of intravenous bisphosphonates after meals. The vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and effects of radiation treatment Vitamin E, along with zinc.

Mix 1 4 teaspoon each of complications, the oral findings are salt and baking soda in 16oz glass diverse in appearance. The more of water. The saliva may be spit out. If too irritating, may switch to 1 Rationale for treatment: 2 teaspoon baking soda in 16oz of The treatment of these patients is water.

It Rx should be aimed at patient comfort Caphosol calcium phosphate and education, maintenance of solution proper nutrition and oral hygiene, Disp. Mix 2 ampules in a clean glass infection. Frequent monitoring and and swirl contents of glass to mix. In order to solution for 1min and expectorate. Use up to 4 times a day. In patients mucositis. Oral 0. Rinse with 1 2 oz 15ml twice treatment. Avoid The oral discomfort may be rinsing or eating for 30min relieved by periodically using following treatment.

Rinse after neutral or saline mouth rinses and breakfast and at bedtime. Artificial saliva and mouth chlorhexidine rinse should be used moisturizing gels aid in reducing concurrently with artificial saliva to oral dryness. Antifungal and provide the needed protein-binding antiviral agents are needed to agent for efficacy and substantivity.

The use Because of the alcohol content, this of fluorides is recommended for rinse may be too irritating to use. Rinse with 12 teaspoons before using these agents. Place a thin ribbon in custom Rx trays. After inserting trays in the Diphenhydramine hydrochloride mouth, bite on them to create a liquid Compound to a mixture by An alternative is to brush on volume NaF gel twice daily for 2min and Disp. Both of these Sig. Rinse techniques should be supplemented with 12 teaspoons ml every with conventional ppm sodium 4hr for 1min and spit out excess.

Store suspension at room The use of SnF2 gels such as temperature. Gel-Kam is not recommended It is compounded by pharmacy because of the high acidity and and is stable for approximately 60 lower fluoride concentration of days.

Rinse with 23 teaspoons For children Rx yr, the maximum is mg Diphenhydramine hydrochloride in 24hr. Children younger than oral solution Slowly dissolve one lozenge in Saliva Stimulants mouth every 2hr as needed for pain. See Xerostomia Do not take more than 10 lozenges a day. Louis, , Saunders, Elsevier. A guide for health care be warned about a reduced gag professional, ed 3, Dallas, TX, , reflex and the need for caution while Dental Oncology Education Program.

Allergies are editors: American Academy of Oral rare but may occur. Medicine clinicians guide. Practitioners perforation of the oral mucosa should be cautious of coincidental except for routine anesthetic infective endocarditis in patients at injections through noninfected risk who present with a fever or tissue, taking dental radiographs, other signs and symptoms of a placement of removable systemic infection.

Patients should prosthodontic or orthodontic also be monitored following the appliances, adjustment of dental procedure for such signs and orthodontic appliances, placement symptoms, which may be the initial of orthodontic brackets, shedding indicators of infective endocarditis. Antibiotic prophylaxis In , the AHA updated is now recommended for most guidelines regarding the use of patients with total joint antibiotic prophylaxis for patients replacements.

The statement no with cardiovascular implantable longer allows for exclusion from electronic devices undergoing coverage of patients with prosthetic dental, respiratory, GI, or GU joints implanted longer than 2 years, procedures.

A previous and suggests that prophylaxis be statement addressed devices such considered for patients who may be as pacemakers, defibrillators, total at high risk for hematogenous artificial hearts, ventriculoatrial infection, including patients with shunts, patent ductus arteriosus inflammatory arthropathies, occlusion devices plugs, umbrellas, immunosuppression, type 1 diabetes buttons, discs, embolization coils , mellitus, joint replacement within 2 atrial septal defect and ventricular years, previous prosthetic joint septal defect closure devices Bard infection PJI , malnourishment, or clamshell occluders, discs, buttons, hemophilia.

Of note, there is no double umbrellas , conduits, patches, evidence that even these higher- peripheral vascular stents, vascular risk patients are at increased risk grafts including hemodialysis , from dentally induced bacteremias. Prosthetic Devices A more appropriate interpretation is At this time, there are no guidelines that these patients are at increased formally promulgated by any risk for PJI from the usual sources, professional organizations for such as wound contamination and antibiotic prophylaxis prior to acute infection from distant sites.

The as to whether to provide antibiotic dental practitioner should consult prophylaxis lies with the dentist, the patients physician in cases who must weigh perceived potential involving such devices in whom benefits against the risks.

The implant infection may be a concern advisory statement provides the as a result of dental procedures and, following suggested antibiotic with the informed consent of the regimens: patient, make a decision regarding Amoxicillin 2g orally, 1hr before the use of antibiotic prophylaxis.

If infective endocarditis guidelines be not treated rapidly, the patient may used, until further guidelines are develop hypothermia, severe issue by the AAOS. Adrenal crisis is a medical Negligible Risk: Nonsurgical emergency that requires prompt Dental Procedures intervention to save the patients life.

The vast majority of patients with In order to prevent adrenal crisis, adrenal insufficiency can undergo supplemental steroids in rather large routine, nonsurgical dental treatment doses have been recommended since without the need for supplemental the mid s for patients with glucocorticoids.

This is supported by adrenal insufficiency. Adrenal crisis the fact that routine, nonsurgical is a rare event in dentistry, especially dental procedures do not stimulate in patients with secondary adrenal cortisol production at levels insufficiency.

Four factors appear to comparable to those occurring be associated with the risk for adrenal during oral surgery, and local crisis: 1 magnitude of surgery, 2 anesthesia blocks neural general anesthesia, 3 health status stress pathways required for and stability of the patient, and 4 adrenocorticotropic hormone degree of pain control. ACTH secretion. This guideline The most significant acute does not advocate dental treatment adverse outcome of adrenal on patients whose adrenal insufficiency is adrenal crisis.

This insufficiency is uncontrolled or event can occur when a patient undiagnosed. However, stable with adrenal insufficiency, most patients with adrenal insufficiency commonly Addisons disease, is and those with a history of steroid challenged by stress e.

This potentially developing adrenal crisis. Higher doses may are approximately 25mg be necessary if excessive bleeding hydrocortisone equivalent per day. This is equivalent to a dose of Patients should take their normal approximately 5mg prednisone. The steroid dose prior to the procedure clinician should confirm that the and be provided supplemental patient has taken the recommended intravenous hydrocortisone amount of steroid within 2hr of the intraoperatively to achieve a total of surgical procedure and schedule the mg.

Hospitalization should be surgery in the morning when normal considered for these patients because cortisol levels are highest. Benefits can be gained setting. Hydrocortisone 25mg from use of 1 oral, inhalation, or usually is prescribed every 8hr intravenous sedation, which provides following surgery for 24 48hr, stress reduction; 2 intravenous depending on the procedure and fluids i. Patients with a past or minor surgery. Major surgical present history of tuberculosis or procedures are more stressful than HIV infection are at increased risk minor surgical procedures.

They for adrenal insufficiency because increase the demand for cortisol opportunistic infectious agents can because of postoperative pain. Blood attack the adrenal glands. For major oral surgical stress Schedule surgery in the morning multiple extractions, quadrant when cortisol levels normally are periodontal surgery, extraction of highest. The patients 1hr, or procedures associated customary daily dose usually is with significant blood loss, sufficient.

Local measures should Few simple extractions, biopsy be used to control bleeding if it Minor periodontal surgery occurs. Category Minor surgery usually can be Major oral surgery performed safely in patients with an Multiple extractions INR up to 3. Quadrant periodontal surgery In general, treating these patients Extraction of bony impactions without reducing the anticoagulant Osseous surgery dose poses a less significant risk Osteotomy than stopping the anticoagulant.

The Bone resections current literature does not support Cancer surgery stopping or reducing the dose of Surgical procedures involving use of the drug, which would increase the general anesthesia risk for thrombotic events.

If the Procedures lasting more than 1hr physician recommends an alteration Procedures associated with of anticoagulant dosage, he or she significant blood loss should manage the adjustment of Regimen: Target glucocorticoid is anticoagulant dosage. The INR value Oxidized regenerated cellulose should be checked on the scheduled Surgicel absorbable hemostat day of surgery to be certain that the Surgicel sheets: 2 14, 4 8, desired reduction of anticoagulation 2 3, 1 2 2 inch; Surgicel effect has occurred.

Nu-Knit sheets: 1 1, 3 4, If acute infection is present, 6 9 inch. Pick appropriate surgery should be delayed until the size and lay over extraction infection has been treated.

When the site to control bleeding. The MCH procedure should be done with as Avitene sheets: 35 35, 70 35, little trauma as possible.

If excessive 70 70 mm; CollaTape: 1 3, postoperative bleeding slow blood 3 1 1 , 3 3 inch. Apply topically, and Use a splint constructed before it adheres firmly to bleeding surgery in cases with multiple surfaces. Apply Absorbable gelatin sponge directly to bleeding surface Gelfoam with pressure. It is more Dental packing blocks: effective when applied dry.

For bleeding stent. Do prior to routine dental procedures is not use with Oxycel, Surgicel, not recommended. In , the or microfibrillar collagen AHA issued an advisory statement because they inactivate the that strongly advised against the thrombin. Cut to thromboemboli.

During these discussions, symptoms. The anxious person looks tension-free pauses should be overalert, displayed in ways such as allowed to develop between ideas, as sitting forward in a chair; moving a temporary state of regression will fingers, arms, or legs; getting up and help the patient return to a more moving; pacing around the room; anxiety-free state. Some patients checking certain parts of clothing; may respond well to this approach and straightening ties or scarves.

An can plan to use hypnosis, oral or anxious person may show signs of parenteral sedation agents or nitrous being watchful of possessions, oxide, and oxygen to better manage always trying to keep them in the dental treatment.

Patients with uncontrolled The anxious person may speak hyperthyroidism may have mechanically and rapidly and at associated anxiety.

Epinephrine times may seem to block out or not must not be used in these patients, connect thoughts together. The including even the small amounts anxious person may respond to that are used in local anesthetics.

The Dental Management of the patient may complain of an inability Anxious Patient to sleep, may wake at an early hour, 1. Preoperative and may not be able to go back to A.

Behavioral sleep. Attacks of diarrhea and Establish effective increased frequency of urination communication with the may occur. In general, anxious patient; provide instructions persons are overalert and tense, feel Be open and honest; let the apprehensive, and have a sense of patient see who you are impending disaster that has no Consistent verbal and apparent cause.

Insomnia, tension, nonverbal communication and apprehension lead to fatigue, Explain procedures and which makes it even more difficult answer any questions for the individual to deal with Explain possible discomfort anxiety. Verbal and nonverbal free communication must be consistent. Possibly confront patient who The dentist should confront the appears anxious: You patient with the observation that the seem tense today.

Would patient appears anxious, then ask if you like to talk about it? Night before appointment: Explain to patient and hypnotic benzodiazepine to patients caretaker what the aid patient in getting a patient needs to do good nights sleep Explain to patient and Day of appointment: reduce patients caretaker what the anxiety prior to patient needs to avoid appointment Describe to patient and Select a drug with an onset of patients caretaker what 1hr or less and at the complications can occur lowest dosage that will be and what steps to take to effective manage them: C.

Informed Consent Pain Use a written and verbal Bleeding informed consent process Infection to ensure that the patient Allergic reaction to and the patients medication perioperative caretaker Tell patient and patients understand all aspects of caretaker to inform you the planned sedative and if any complications dental procedures develop 2.

Operative B. Pharmacologic A. Behavioral Effective postoperative pain Allow patient to ask questions control is essential Let patient know if any Select the most appropriate discomfort will be felt medication for pain Reassure patient control B. Postoperative antidepressants, muscle A. Other benzodiazepines or glossodynia and various facial pain non-benzodiazepines according syndromes are common. Xerostomia provides Signs of low-grade chronic an excellent environment for depression include fatigue even overgrowth of Candida albicans; as after adequate sleep ; difficulty a result, patients are likely to require getting up in the morning; treatment for candidiasis along with restlessness; loss of interest in treatment for dry mouth.

Signs heterocyclic antidepressants, of more severe depression include provided the dentist aspirates before excessive crying, change in sleeping injecting and injects the anesthetic habits, thoughts of food making one slowly.

In general, no more than two sick, weight loss without dieting, cartridges should be injected at any strong feelings of guilt, nightmares, appointment. Excessive amounts thoughts about suicide, feeling of epinephrine can result in unreal or in a fog, and an inability hypertension. Levonordefrin is to concentrate. A lower pleasure in most activities, have a dosage of sedative medications may marked gain or loss in weight, and be necessary to avoid excessive CNS manifest insomnia or hypersomnia.

These symptoms must be present Patients taking tricyclic or for at least 2wk before major heterocyclic antidepressant drugs depression can be diagnosed. Dentists should avoid Significant impairment of all rapid changes in chair position for personal hygiene may occur during these patients and provide support the depth of a depressive episode, when patients first get out of the including a total lack of oral dental chair.

Atropine should be hygiene. Salivary flow may be used with care because increased reduced, and patients may complain intraocular pressure can result.

The xerostomia metabolic rate of the heterocyclics, may be compounded by the side which could lead to toxic levels effects of the medications used to of the tricyclic antidepressant.

Complaints of Text continued on p. Lopressor, Inderal, Anaphylactic reactions to penicillins or other drugs may be more severe Medically Compromised Patients. Corgard in patients taking -blockers because of increased mediator release from mast cells. Recommendation: Use ampicillin cautiously, advise patient of potential reaction. Tetracyclines and Infection, acne, Effectiveness of penicillins and cephalosporins may be reduced by other bacteriostatic periodontal bacteriostatic agents. Tetracyclines Antacids Dyspepsia, Antacids, dairy products, and other agents containing divalent and gastroesophageal trivalent cations will chelate tetracyclines and limit their absorption in reflux, peptic the gut.

Doxycycline is least influenced by this interaction. Recommendation: Select different antibiotic or increase carbohydrate intake.

Metronidazole Ethanol Alcohol use or abuse Severe disulfiramlike reactions are well documented. Recommendation: Avoid interaction. Lithium toxicity produces confusion, ataxia, and kidney damage. Benzodiazepines Anxiety Delayed metabolism of benzodiazepine, increasing the pharmacologic effects can result in excessive sedation and irrational behavior.

Recommendation: Reduce dose of benzodiazepine. Carbamazepine Seizure disorder Increased blood levels of carbamazepine leading to toxicity symptoms Tegretol include drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, headache, and blurred vision. Hospitalization has been required. Cyclosporine Organ transplant Enhanced immunosuppression and nephrotoxicity. Recommendation: Avoid interaction, monitor patient.

Theophylline Asthma Some macrolide antibiotics erythromycin, clarithromycin inhibit Medically Compromised Patients. Theo-Dur metabolism of theophylline, leading to toxic serum levels symptoms of toxicity: headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, thirst, cardiac arrhythmias, convulsions. Conversely, theophylline reduces serum levels of erythromycin. Recommendation: Avoid prescribing these antibiotics in such patients.

Strongest documentation for erythromycin and tetracycline. Patients should be cautioned to report any signs of digitalis toxicity salivation, visual disturbances, arrhythmias during antibiotic therapy.

Recommendation: Avoid interaction by using noninteractive antibiotic. Reduced synthesis of vitamin K by gut flora is a putative erythromycin, surgery, stroke mechanism, but several antibiotics have antiplatelet and anticoagulant clarithromycin, prevention activity.

Recommendation: Penicillins, tetracyclines, and clindamycin are preferred choices but must be used cautiously. Macrolide Benzodiazepines with Infection Reduced hepatic first-pass metabolism of benzodiazepine with increased antibiotics high oral blood level and unpredictably increased levels of CNS depression.

Recommendation: Use lower dose of acetaminophen, allow patient to continue alcohol use. NOTE: alcohol-related liver damage may absolutely contraindicate use of acetaminophen. Medically Compromised Patients. NSAIDs Lithium Manic depression Produces symptoms of lithium toxicity, including nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, and mental confusion.

It can result in toxic levels of lithium. Low-dose MTX for arthritis is not a concern. Opiods, sedatives Sedation with opioids may increase risk of local anesthetic toxicity, especially in children. Online resources include over additional drug monographs, photos of common oral complications, patient education guides, and more. From lead editor Arthur Jeske, a well-known researcher and author in dental pharmacology, this pocket-sized reference provides the current, concise drug information you need at the point of care.

Detailed dental considerations at the end of each monograph include an easy-to-use, bulleted list of specific dental-related information as well as general drug information. Durable, pocket-sized format provides essential drug information at a glance, and makes this guide ideal for chairside use.

Emphasis on oral health, prevention, and treatment from the dental hygienists perspective makes it easier to use drug information for patient and family education.


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