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In the following months, Orn Free Taa voted regularly for legislation that seemed to maintain or improve Chancellor Palpatine's base of power. He was trapped with Palpatine in the Senate Rotunda when Cad Bane made his desparate attempt to free Ziro the Hutt from prison, and was forced to carry the pardon disc to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, where he was exchanged for the crimelord.
Later, Orn Free Taa was one of the first to recommend that the Jedi Order be augmented with a dedicated police force. After the apparent death of Master Yoda at Ithor - a complicated ruse involving Palleus Chuff - Orn Free Taa took the matter to the Senate, demanding the formation of a security force that would answer solely to Palpatine himself, and dedicated to the protection of the Galactic Senate and the Chancellor.
Note that the Episode I Insider's Guide CD doesn't give a species for Orn Free Taa, although it states that his species was distinguished by its large ear flaps, which stored excess fat for later consumption.
She would stop at nothing to see her elder son married to a powerful new queen, but he was a pacifist and - in her mind - a weakling. So, she had him assassinated in order to elevate her younger son, Isolder, to the position of heir. When Isolder fell in love with Elliar, Ta'a Chume disagreed with his selection.
She also had Elliar murdered, and pushed Isolder to marry a more fitting wife. Ta'a Chume also had a dislike for the Jedi Knights, and when she meets Luke Skywalker, the dislike only increases when Luke bests her in gaining information on Han Solo's whereabouts. She allowed the Old Republic some measure of respect, but when it crumbled and the Empire took over, she became a brutal leader, firming up the Hapan armed forces to keep the Imperials at bay.
The Hapan worlds have since enjoyed a measure of prosperity, and Ta'a had been reduced to keeping the various factions from killing each other's heirs in attempts to gain the throne. She pretended to agree to her son Isolder's proposed marriage to Princess Leia, but she was secretly against it, feeling that Leia would bring nothing but the downfall of the Hapan government. She arranged for an assassination attempt on Leia's life, but it failed.
Isolder, upon hearing of this, also accused her of killing his former betrothed, Elliar, and his older brother. When Tenel Ka was born, Ta'a Chume began doting on the child, in hopes that she could twist the child into a "proper" Hapes Queen. In this effort, however, she failed, and Tenel Ka became a full Jedi. Ta'a Chume, it was later revealed, had something to do with the attempt by a group of Bartokk assassins to kill Tenel Ka, and she was forced to step down as Queen Mother and relinquish the throne to Teneniel Djo.
Her abdication, though final, did not prevent her from keeping a hand in the dealings of the royal family. After the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, and after the destruction of a portion of the Consortium Navy at the Battle of Fondor, Ta'a Chume even condoned several assassination attempts on Isolder and Teneniel Djo.
However, the opening of Hapes to war refugees was too much for her to take. With the help of her aide Trisdin, Ta'a Chume began searching for a young woman to replace Teneniel Djo - a young woman she could mold in her own image. Her first attempt to locate such a woman focused on Jaina Solo, shortly after the Jedi lost her brother Anakin to the Yuuzhan Vong. After arranging for the murder of her daugther-in-law, Ta'a Chume quickly ordered new leadership be instated for Hapes, blaming the murder on the Ni'Korish.
Her plans failed when Tenel Ka agreed to take her mother's position, a right which was hers to exercise. She remained in a minimum security environment for many years, and slowly grew more and more angry at the fact that her Jedi-trained grand-daughter, Tenel Ka, had assumed the throne of the Queen Mother. Ta'a Chume's frustration and unrest only increased when Tenel Ka refused to marry, and continued to involve the Hapes Cluster in the politics of the greater galaxy.
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, which cost many Hapan lives, Ta'a Chume began to hear whispers of Tenel Ka's growing relationship with Jacen Solo. After the Qoribu Crisis, it became obvious that Tenel Ka was pregnant, and Ta'a Chume began to plot a new pathway to power. She arranged a deal with the Gorog hive to have Tenel Ka's infant daughter killed, knowing that she could only retake the position of Queen Mother without a direct heir in the way.
The two Jedi added their strength to Tenel Ka's, and defeated the insectile assassins. Jacen, angry at the attempt on his daughter's life, confronted Ta'a Chume and had her restrained. Ta'a Chume then revealed that it had been Gorog who had come to her first, claiming that it wanted revenge against Tenel Ka for sending of a Hapan fleet to Qoribu.
She also explained that the Gorog were looking for navicomputers and hyperdrives in order to escape from the Utegetu Nebula. Jacen, satisfied with her answers but unwilling to let her remain free, sent a sharp spike of Force power into Ta'a Chume's brain, rendering her unable to produce a coherent thought.
Taadus did not embrace the Empire, remaining as neutral as he could during the Galactic Civil War. Unfotunately, Sibwarra's injuries were too grave to survive. Taadus later accompanied Petr Thanas in embracing the fledgling New Republic, and eventually served as a medical officer aboard the medical frigate Mercy.
He started the protests with a very public hunger strike, and the Pinett Freedom Force continued to expland its protests to ensure that ships from either faction were not allowed to land on the moon. Daetan was a pacifist, and felt that peaceful protests such as a hunger strike would be most effective. However, his hunger strike, coupled with the demonstrations by the Pinett Freedom Force, meant that port workers found themselves without work.
Whenever he managed to go out in public, he was under constant vigilence against violence from the port workers. He was also an Imperial informant, who outwardly said that his loyalties to his family were stronger than his loyalties to the Empire.
When his uncle formed the Pinett Freedom Force and began protesting the blockades formed by the Jon-Tow Economic Development Group and the Corsignis Property Alliance, Oryel used his connects to ask the Empire to help maintain order in the system.
The Taal was chosen by an ancient process set forth by the Eeronon, and held the office until death. Among the powers given to the Taal was the command of the Taler armed forces. Philo was hunted down and killed by two bounty hunters, Krestock and Raxine, even though there was never a bounty placed on his head.
Reglis eventually hunted Krestock and Raxine down and executed them for their parts in Philo's death. Both believed that Philo was wanted, but there was never an official bounty posted for his capture.
Reglis was just nineteen at the time, and hunted both of them down and executed them for their part in Philo's Death. Taal later documented his life in the autobiography, Endings and Beginnings: An Autobiography. It also served as the political center of the Aramand Cluster. Their mother had been killed aboard a transport by the Thaereian Military, and the family came to hate the Thaereians as much as any Cularin natives.
Thus, when the Cularin Militia was able to defeat the Thaereians and restore freedom to the Cularin System, Taan and Dyrla were among the thousands who lined the streets of their home city to witness a parade honoring the heroes of the Thaereian Conflict. Like his father, twleve-year-old Taan believed that the various members of the fighter squadrons and military units were the true heroes of Cularin, and he couldn't understand why Dylra adored Osten Dal'Nay.
She later helped the Jedi gain control of the scoutship by communicating with Yuuzhan Vong commanders, claiming that the Stalking Moon had suffered a failure during hyperspace reversion, and that much of the command crew was injured or killed. The only decent arms dealer in the area, Taan was known for his knowledge of weapons and his stoic demeanor. He never bargained or traded, standing firm on his prices.
His repair work was first-rate, another indication that his prices were fair, if not a bit higher than normal. Taanab had one moon. The Empire had used Taanab as a major food production facility. It involved trying to determine what the correct course of action would be in averting a flood that threatened a group of villagers. The students were required to investigate the available data and decide how best to avoid a disaster. Among the facts presented was the sudden appearance of off-world speculators who planned to sell homes on the floodplain to Alderaanian survivors.
The villagers were actually building in the most dangerous area of the floodplain. In order to ensure pinpoint accuracy and coordination among the Imperial forces, Thrawn planned on using the skills of the Dark Jedi Joruus C'baoth to coordinate the battles plans. However, C'baoth went out on his own and used a Force technique to link all the gunners' minds to his own. He then was able to control the entire firing plan, and used the Imperial forces to his own ends.
Thrawn relieved him from the operation when he found out about C'baoth's maneuver, allowing the Dark Jedi to return to Jomark and await the arrival of Luke Skywalker. It was saved when the Imperial Remnant, under the command of Admiral Pellaeon, intervened in the battle in support of the Republic.
Originally based on Taanab, the squadron flew escort duty for the Reckless Abandon during the resupplying of the Borleias base. When the squadron arrived at Borleias, it was revealed that their leader was none other than Wes Janson. The Yellow Aces remained attached to the New Republic's forces after the formation of the Galactic Alliance, and was instrumental in the liberation of the prisoners of war that were held on Selvaris.
Dried Taanabiab straw was preferred by circuses and farms as a ground cover that could be used to protect the cages and stalls in which animals were kept. MF Taanfaar This Ithorian surname was believed to mean "explorer", according to historian who studied the Ithorian race. When the Galactic Civil War broke out and the Alliance began working on fringe worlds, Idu joined the Alliance as a recruiting officer.
Idu panicked and tried to escape, but was shot and killed. Records discovered by Luke Skywalker revealed that she had been the illegitimate descendant of a former Jedi Knight. He also discovered that Gantoris was one of her descendants. JS Taanzer, Crys This fiery woman served as the pilot aboard the transport vessel Uhumele , during the final years of the Old Republic. Like the rest of his crewmates, Crys had no reason to trust the Galactic Empire that rose to power in the wake of the Clone Wars.
When the ship was grounded on New Plympto by Imperial troops, Crys agreed with Ko Vakier's vote for blasting their way through the Imperials in order to escape. However, upon hearing Jennir's plan of escaping with several other ships, she began making calls to other crews and managed to gain enough support for the idea to get them free. The crew of the Uhumele then agreed to help Bomo Greenbark locate his wife and daughter, who had been captured by slavers, but their search only discovered that both females had been killed.
Schurk-Heren set a course for Pizkoss, where he made a deal with Haka Hai to deliver a special cargo. Bomo, who had remained with the Uhumele , found it hard to integrate with the crew, and Crys took him aside to explain about the Captain and his way of accepting new members to the crew.
During their discussion, Crys told Bomo about her own history, which was not unlike his own. Her husband was killed on their homeworld of Nadiem during the Clone Wars, and she agreed to turn her son, Kennan, over to the Jedi Knights, after it was discovered that he had a strong connection to the Force.
Crys believed that Kennan would be safe with the Jedi on Coruscant, instead fleeing from the Separatists. Unfortunately, Kennan was believed to have been among the many younglings who were killed when Darth Vader attacked the Jedi Temple to smash the so-called Jedi Rebellion, and Crys blamed herself for causing Kennan's death.
After leaving Nadiem, Crys fell into trouble with a crimelord on Columus before Captain Schurk-Heren took her into the crew of the Uhumele and taught her to be a pilot.
Despite her belief that the Jedi had let her down, Bomo tried to convince Crys that the Jedi were mostly honorable, like Dass Jennir. Crys would hear none of it, however, since she still believed that the Jedi had taken Kennan from her.
The Ishi Tib crimelord planned to double-cross them, and the Captain had anticipated this and hid the real artifact. When the Captain admitted that the real artifact was hidden, Haka Hai threw the crew of the Uhumele into prison. While the others were tortured and interrogated, Crys was forced to work as a serving girl in the crimelord's palace. When the thugs set off to locate Bomo Greenbark, who had managed to escape from captivity, Crys was able to grab a blaster and set off on her own.
She stumbled upon Bomo, and might have shot him if she hadn't realized who he was. In order to remain free, Crys was forced to shoot and kill one of Haka Hai's goons, and she was momentarily stunned at having actually killed another being. Bomo explained that, unfortunately, the goon was probably not going to be the last being she ever killed.
Together, they located Meekerdin-maa, and the three of them set a trap for Haka Hai and his men, which they sprang with surprising effectiveness. The crew of the Uhumele then fled Mimban, and set out to sell their cargo to Fane Peturri. However, Schurk-Heren was unaware that Peturri was working for the Empire, and the crew was quickly captured by the stormtroopers who accompanied Darth Vader to their locations.
Crys and the others feared for their lives, but Schurk-Heren managed to escape from his shackles and free them. Unfortunately, Celeste Morne had been released from the artifact, which was actually Lord Dreypa's Oubliette, and drew upon the powers of the Muur Talisman to infect the stormtroopers with the Rakghoul Plague.
Crys was also attacked by the plague, and she turned into a rakghoul before she could reach the Uhumele. Schurk-Heren was forced to kill her, in order to prevent the rest of the crew. When their homeworld of Nadiem was attacked during the Clone Wars, Crys' husband was killed in the fighting.
A blue-skinned Ho'Din Jedi Master approached Crys during the evacuation and recognized that Kennan had a strong connection to the Force, and offered to take him back to Coruscant for training. Crys realized that Kennan would not be safe on Nadiem or even on the evacuation ship, and reluctantly turned her son over to the Jedi.
Crys believed that she had given her son another chance at life, until she heard of the so-called Jedi Rebellion and Darth Vader's vicious attack on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Kennan was among the younglings who were in the Temple at the time, and Crys blamed herself for sending her son to his death. Unknown to Crys, however, was the fact that Kennan had not been on Coruscant during Vader's attack. Their starship experienced a malfunction, however, and had to land on a remote world.
They were discovered there by Lumbra and his thugs, and when Master Piru tried to prevent the criminals from taking the children, she was shot and left for dead. Kennan and his fellow younglings were rounded up and transported back to Lumbra's ship, and it was Kennan's belief that Master K'Kruhk would soon rescue them that kept the other children from panicking. By the time the Yuuzhan Vong reached the New Republic, the taaphur was extinct.
It existed only as a genetic blueprint inside a Shaper's qahsa, in case such a creature was ever needed for a new purpose. Unknown to many of his peers, Taarna was also working for the Alliance in the Corellian System, and worked behind the scenes to coordinate the recruiting of Corellians into the Alliance.
One of his many jobs involved his apprentice, Dathnaeya Loessin, whom he introduced to the rebels when she decided to join the Alliance. Like all other hives within the Colony, the members of the Taat hive referred to themselves, as well as the entire nest, as Taat, and acted upon the Will of the Taat hive. However, the Taat were notable among the fourteen or so hives of the Colony for its stoic approach to life.
The Taat established their nest on the moon Jwlio, where they became known as the healers and warriors of the Colony. When the Colony's conflict with the Chiss was resolved, some five years after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Taat was the first of the Qoribu hives to be relocated to another planet.
The entire hive was moved aboard the Kendall and transported to a world within the Utegetu Nebula, that was deep in the Unknown Regions and well away from Chiss space. Captain Taavin was stationed at the Moog Mot VI garrison, where he and his officers monitored the financial dealings of various businessbeings and the crimelords in the surrounding sector.
One of the criminals that managed to avoid his efforts was Sollima, who controlled the Hollow Moon and its casinos, gladiator arena, and slave pits. He hoped that his luck had changed when an informant sold him one of Sollima's accounting droids. Shortly afterward, his soldiers captured Han Solo and Billal Batross, who had infiltrated the garrison to recover the droid. Taavin offered them a choice: spend the rest of their lives in prison for treason and saboage, or help the Imperials finally capture Sollima and take control of the Hollow Moon.
The two smugglers agreed to help Taavin's forces penetrate the Hollow Moon, provided them with access to the moon's shields upon their return. Taavin's forces quickly surrounded the moon, and he gave Solo and Batross only a minimum amount of time to get free. However, when the Millennium Falcon crossed his path, Taavin decided to let them go free, believing that they would eventually cross paths again.
Known as an outlaw tech, most spacers weren't sure if the cheerful little alien was an engineering genius or a crazed tinkerer. He could fix most things, but often found other things to "improve" while he was working.
Taba leaves had a subtle flavor that was not overpowering. OWS Tabac This was a generic term used to describe a variety of leafy plants that were used to make tobacco-like products. The many varieties of tabac could be used in a wide range of forms, from rolled cigarras to chewable shreds.
Many varieties were mildly addictive. It was located in the city of Cica. Before joining the Republic, Tabanne graduated from the Imperial Academy. She served aboard the Night Caller in support of Wraith Squadron, and was instrumental in keeping the Night Caller active in the defense of Talasea against an attack from Apwar Trigit.
For her bravery in the battle, she was promoted to the rank pof Captain. Because Hrakness was killed in the battle, she was also given the command of the Night Caller. However, Dwuir ought to be separated from Tabb during the year prior to the Clone Wars. The debates over the ethical necessity and medical ability to perform the operation started a galaxy-wide debate in many circles. Due to the poor medical facilities on Pollillus, as well as the possible death of one being in such a separation, DwuirsinTabb remained together for many months while the debates raged on.
Although no record of surgery was ever found, DwuirsinTabb later disappeared from public view, and was not seen again. The term tabbing was short for the tactical advance into battle.
This Snivvian phrase, used in the world of art and antiquities, translated into Basic as "How much was this painting? Although their physical bodies had been relegated to the earth, their spirit endured among the living. LF5 Tabed This Mandalorian word literally meant 'to talk'. While the Order of Battle described entire armies or navies, the Table of Organization applied to the ranking of individual soldiers and officers.
A Table-field In the game of sabacc, the table-field was essentially the game table on which players could deposit the card-chips in their hands. Once a card-chip was placed on the table-field, though, its suit and value were locked for the duration of the hand. This allowed players to keep certain cards during the hand, in the hope of achieving a total value of twenty-three.
LCS Tabletop Mesa Located on the planet Corellia, this natural landmark was part of the swoop course used to determine the planet's best rider. Most riders chose to fly over the mesa, as this was the safest route. Han Solo, using the alias Tallus Bryne, captured the trophy when he opted to fly through the mesa, using a tunnel to shave off the time required to fly up and over the structure. His occupation was swift and complete, until the Geelan who owned the station managed to jump the station into hyperspace and escape the Imperials.
Bogga the Hutt used its moon, Vo Dasha, as a base of operations. Tabor chose to fight Silus in order to avenge the death of his brother. However, Tabor was no match for Silus, either physically or in the Force. In the end, Silus managed to wrap a cable around Tabor's neck, which he jerked mightily.
Tabor was beheaded by the snapping of the cable. T24 Taboret This mammal, native to the planet Nedij, was hunted for its tasty flesh. The Nediji created a tasty stew from taboret meat. MJH Tabory, Evlyn This young girl, the daughter of Rosemari Tabory and the niece of Jorad Pressor, was about ten years old when a mission to locate the remains of the Outbound Flight Project actually found the ships, some fifty years after the mission was destroyed.
Evlyn was distinguished by her auburn hair and bright blue eyes, as well as her precocious nature. Pressor knew that there was something unusual about the girl, although he couldn't quite put his finger on it.
When the Chiss-led mission to locate Outbound Flight arrived on the ships, he used her to lure their unexpected visitors into turbolifts, where he trapped them while trying to figure out what to do with them. Jorad knew the Evlyn was gifted, and believed that she had some sensitivity to the Force.
He feared that this knowledge would leak out to the rest of the survivors, but also knew that it couldn't be kept a secret forever. When Bearsh and his companions revealed themselves to be Vagaari pirates, Evlyn and her mother and uncle were trapped in a conference room with Dean Jinzler and Aristocra Formbi when Bearsh released three wolvkils to keep them from escaping.
Jinzler remembered that the Outbound Flight Colony's comlinks were equipped with a special communication frequency that could cut through jamming, and asked Evlyn to use her nacent powers to recover one from a fallen Peacekeeper.
Evlyn was too scared to respond, and Pressor immediately forbade. Jinzler, however, convinced Pressor and Rosemari to allow Evlyn to make the attempt. She concentrated hard, and was able to move the comlink into a position for Jinzler to grab it.
After freeing themselves, Evlyn found herself under the protection of Mara Jade Skywalker during their attempt to defeat the Vagaari. After the Vagaari threat was eliminated, Evlyn and her mother agreed to accompany the Outbound Flight Colony to Nirauan, staying as far away from the New Republic as they could.
She was distinguished by her auburn hair, a trait she shared with her daughter, Evlyn. Since she was born after the Devastation, Rosemari was considered a member of the Colonists, and often represented them at meetings of the Managing Council. After the Vagaari threat was eliminated, Rosemari and Evlyn agreed to accompany the Outbound Flight Colony to Nirauan, staying as far away from the New Republic as they could.
SQ Taboth This desolate planet was the second world in the Both System, and it was orbited by two moons. SOP Tabvid A 2-dimensional news tabloid. Like all such names, Tacema was used only for official business, to indicate one individual from another when in the presense of non-Duros. This name literally meant "pest control warden". She reviewed and approved all cargo manifests, but was forgiving of minor offenses. She was a close associate of Ellorrs Madak, and was also considered an excellent pilot.
CCG7 Tac-fiver This was the shortened term used to describe tactical channel five, which was used by Imperial TIE Fighter pilots to check in with their squad leader before a mission. DSTR Tach This small primate was native to the planet Kashyyyk, and was hunted for a small gland found within its body. The gland, when dried and powdered, was known as a powerful stimulant to many races.
However, the Wookiees considered it a crime to kill the tach monkeys, and any being caught hunting them was imprisoned.
She was actually two years younger than Obi-Wan, but her skills with the Force and in lightsaber combat moved her forward in her class to Obi-Wan's level. She was considered to be quite beautiful by the male students of the time, although she chosen to wear a boyish haircut and clothing to mask her looks. Her blue seemed to darken or lighten dependning on her feelings. Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills.
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Meet powerful foes such as Dragons, Demons and Devils. Also find a complete bestiary of trolls, ogres, vampires, knights, orcs, goblins, giant bats and insects and more!
With immense scope for developing your own unique play style, everyone can enjoy what Spellsword Cards: Demontide has to offer. Come inside to find details on how you can contribute and get cool tips and hints for secret unlocks inside! Platform: PC iOS. It was originally released in Activision Value Publishing published the game. Platform: PC.
After receiving a set of strange blueprints in the mail, you build an extraordinary food-making contraption and open a restaurant. Your goal? Make food and satisfy customers until you discover the truth behind the mysterious blueprints. Burger Shop is a fun and addicting time-management game with several play modes including: Story Mode, Challenge Mode, Relax Mode and Expert Story Mode, each with different trophies you can collect.
Utilize unique food making devices to make over fifty different food items during your quest. With four play modes, over sixty upgrade items and ninety six trophies, you can play Burger Shop forever! Traffic Puzzle is a brand new match 3 puzzle game! Help two awesome cops restore order in the city! Start unblocking cars now! Special powers like Clown, Police Car or Joker will help you along as you play! But remember… this is a relaxing jewel blast game!
You can always match 3 cars in a row to solve a puzzle! Traffic Puzzle is a relaxing game with matching, completely free to play. However, you may have to pay for some features. Categories in common with Traffic Puzzle: Puzzle.
Now with glorious retina artwork for iPad and iPhone 5! Collect coins, grab crazy powerups, and dodge monsters to boost yourself to the edge of the universe and beyond! Mega Jump has it all: - Eye-popping cartoon graphics and gorgeous hand-painted backdrops! What are you waiting for?
Grab Mega Jump and start jumping!